Saturday, September 10, 2011

Exercise Is The New Homework

Working out is like going to church; I hate getting ready to go but I am oh so happy that I went. Every morning I can find ten things I "need" to get done before hitting the gym. Until that moment that I actually get on my Spin bike or prepare to lift a weight, I am thinking about it incessantly with dread, regret or guilt.

 Once I get going and get it done I am a much happier person. I actually enjoy the work out process.  I love the way my muscles feel as they get stronger and you just can not beat the endorphin rush that goes with getting fit. Exercise actually sets the tone for my entire day.  I just feel more confident and happier once I have gym time.

I have discovered that over time it has gotten a bit easier to "just do it". The longer I work out, the more of a habit it becomes.  I have also managed to find an aerobic activity that I really enjoy. Once I purchased a Spinning bike and some CDs, I was hooked. I am in my virtual Spinning class pedaling away for 55 minutes and I don't even mind it.

So why is it when I know how great it feels and how fantastic it is for my health do I still have trouble starting each morning? The only answer I can come up with is that it is hard, sweaty work and I have always avoided hard, sweaty work.  It is quite silly really.  I know very well that I am eventually going to get up and start moving something.  I also know my real day does not start until I do.

I guess it is the same mechanism that kept me from doing my homework til after dinner on Sunday night as a kid.  The sad thing is I ruined the entire weekend thinking about the homework, just like I do each morning with my exercise.

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