Thursday, September 8, 2011

Where do you fit in?

There are few women's magazines that feature women in their 40s, 50s and beyond.  In fact the category of "beyond" is pretty much ignored. You may see the occasional article featuring Helen Mirren or Jane Fonda, but seriously do publications think women no longer care once they reach their golden years?

How golden can it be if you are relegated to being  somebody's Grandma or the Older Lady down the block? As I slowly edge my way closer to the "Beyond" category of womanhood I can not help but feel a certain amount of sadness. There is so much more to me than there ever was before, yet where do I fit in?

I do not fit the profile of the aging American Woman. I exercise, I eat right, I haven't forfeit my long hair for a bowl cut; I have not given up on me.  I realize that I have a significant block of time before I truly hit the category of " Beyond." However there  really isn't much I can do about it so I would like to somehow embrace it. You know, it would be easier if somewhere between the pages of Women's Health, Self and maybe even Cosmo, there were examples of healthy, vibrant, sexy women at every age.

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